Problems are left to solutions, and solutions are left to choices, and choices are left to me.

Choose. Take chances. Make dreams happen. And it's life.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Just a Simple Kiss, You Thought!

A kiss

                A kiss can mean something-or nothing at all. When we were still young and innocent, we were always told by our parents to kiss your lola, your lolo, your aunt, your sister, etc. And in those moments, you still don’t know what it meant. Or you didn’t even mind how it felt, because you thought that it must just be done because you were told to do so.  You are bound to share your kisses to the people around you because you felt that it made them happy. Sometime on your childhood times, you are comfortable to share your first kisses to the “adults”. But when you’re slowly growing up, you carefully understand the meaning of a kiss.  At that time, you already don’t have to have a discussion on such subjects because you are already grown-up and kissing the person you admire is just usual. Kissing is commonplace for adults now, also, sometimes to teenagers. Most of them kiss their partners without thinking at least once a day. But shouldn't a kiss always be special?  
                From the Student website, they said that “A kiss is more than the sharing of lips and breath. It is a mingling of hearts and souls. A slight tingle, a funny feeling in the tummy, a racing heart, is to be expected. A kiss is an intimate connection to another human being and a simple way to express love and affection. It is also a way for us to confirm that our partner is "the one" and traditionally, the marriage vow is sealed with a kiss as well.”
   They say that a kiss tells a lot of words.  It can express the deepest message you wanted to say to the person you admire.  A kiss is actually meant to show appreciation or admiration to the person you love.  It is also precious, you know.  But nowadays, it is already optional if you wanted to make it somewhat special and save it for the special person. 
                A kiss is actually a function of the human brain.  This function is enabled by every human being on the planet... Women kiss men, men kiss women.  That’s why they say that kissing is not needed to be a topic of learning since every human already knows how it is to be done.  But for some, it is still intriguing to know more about kissing.
                How about you? Do you still have to learn it? Do you still need to learn it?

Saturday, January 15, 2011

What’s your Zodiac Sign Now?

As a new year came, many say that it brought different new things with it. Some geologist also stated that the earth tilted differently and that our Zodiac Signs have also been changed. The stars have been moved and so our Zodiac Signs have added one more in its list.

Yet some geologists still believe that the Zodiac Signs cannot be changed and that they are permanent...

But if this is actually true, then would you prefer on changing your Zodiac Sign?

They have actually listed the changes that might occur in the Zodiac Sign cycle:

Zodiac             Old Date                   New Date
Aries:              March 20 – April 20      April 18 – May 12
Taurus:           April 21 – May 19          May 13 – June 20
Gemini:           May 20 – June 20         June 21 – July 19
Cancer:          June 21 – July 21          July 20 – Aug. 9
Leo:              July 22 – August 21        Aug. 10 – Sept. 15
Virgo:            Aug. 22 – Sept. 22         Sept. 16 – Oct. 29
Libra:            Sept. 23 – Oct. 22         Oct. 30 – Nov. 22
Scorpio:        Oct. 23 – Nov. 21          Nov. 23 – 28
Ophiuchus:    ---------------------             Nov. 29 – Dec. 16
Sagittarius:    Nov. 21 – Dec. 20          Dec. 17 – Jan. 20
Capricorn:     Dec. 21 – Jan. 19          Jan. 20 –Feb. 15
Aquarius:      Jan. 20 – Feb. 18           Feb. 16 – March 10
Pisces:         Feb. 19 - March 19        March 11 – April 17

I believe that those people who would like to be lucky this year would change their Zodiac Signs once they knew that their new Zodiac Sign is lucky for this year. Meanwhile, for those who would change from lucky to unlucky would probably decline this.

There are actually 3 original Zodiac Signs who are lucky for this year. One of which is the Capricorn, who is said to be lucky in his/her love life and family life. While on the other hand, the Aquarius people are believed to be lucky in traveling and money-making. Also, the Pisces people are lucky in building a home and in business.

For some people, they believe that their Zodiac Sign have an important role on how their life is to go through. Some people would even buy newspaper everyday just to check on what is their luck on that day. Some people also use their Zodiac Sign luck to know how their day is going to go through and have a clue on what surprises are going to meet them. Some people sometimes use these Zodiac Signs just to help them make their decisions.

But for me, the way our lives go on doesn’t depend on what Zodiac Sign we have, yet it is in the way we control the life we have and the choices we make in life.

So, What Zodiac Sign are you in now?


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

What Even Makes You Stronger

Fear. A word that defines what we never wanted to do, to act, or to live with. But also, nobody wants to live with fear. With John Maxwell's blog about fear, we are known to what fear is like. We are even informed of how to overcome fear. For everybody believes that to overcome fear, is to face it.

Well, have you ever experienced being afraid of something that you absolutely would do nothing with it anymore? Like when you were a kid, have you experienced being afraid of "ghosts"? When you were a teenager, have you experienced being afraid of "examinations"? When you were in love, have you experienced being afraid of being "heart broken"? If so, these feelings are called FEARS. And these fears cause you to have physical effects: a racing heart beat, a dry mouth, a flying mind, and perspiration all over your body. But then, your fear came from the existence of something rather unreal like the ghosts.

But it really isn't hard to just face fear. Some would even say: "it would kill me" just because they don't believe in themselves. They don't have the confidence to believe that they can do it.

Fear is absolutely real. Fear is like a bad habit that if you wouldn't get rid of, it might just eat you. Fear starts from a mere imagination. For example, your thinking that something bad will happen just because you have broken a mirror(or some other superstition beliefs) and this prediction starts bugging you, making you feel uncomfortable and clears up your energy, then you are definitely experiencing fear. So if fear comes only from an imagination, then why don't we just think and hope of a better idea rather than putting ourselves buried in fear? Right?

When we start to face our fears, we gradually decrease the uncomfortable feeling that we have. Even without you observing, it would just naturally disappear. Your energy comes coming back, you are comfortable in living your life, no pressure on the things you do and then you will feel free of problems. And so, one day, you would be reminded of that and you would just laugh it out and tell yourself that you have made it.

Following the steps of John Maxwell's Overcoming Fear, we are able to face our problems without hesitation. By discovering the foundation of fear, you are able to recognize what and where was your fear coming from. By admitting your fears, we are aware of our fear. By accepting the frailty and brevity of life, we are ready for anything and so fear i lessened. By accepting fear as the price of progress, we won't be able to see fear as a mere destruction. By develop a burning desire that overcomes fear, we are able to find concrete reasons to overcome fear. By focus only on today, we are able to concentrate on overcoming a fear one at a time. By doing it now, we are able to do what is supposed to be in a matter of time and without hesitations.

So you see, facing your fears would even make you a stronger person. Fears are not really that bad, they were just given to you for you to be able to grow from that of your past.

A person grows when he/she realizes that fear is a part of life, a very essential part of it, that the only way to overcome it is through means of facing it with courage and believing that it can be done.