Problems are left to solutions, and solutions are left to choices, and choices are left to me.

Choose. Take chances. Make dreams happen. And it's life.

Monday, February 14, 2011

A Moving Experience

Life fills a person lots of ups and downs, happiness and sadness, wins and losses, expectations and surprises.  But sometimes, these things come from one little thing you have experienced. For me,  that experience is when we have joined the Cyberfair competition.

Honestly, it was hard for me to decide whether I will join or not.  There was a part of me that tells me to not do it, because there we all know that this last quarter would be the most stressful quarter of all quarters.  But also, the will for me to at least make a move to make not just our teachers but also our school to be proud of our class, our batch, make me want to do it.  And I ended up going for it :)

Well, I can say its worth my choice.  This is truly one experience I will never forget. 

I have experienced feeling the stress pushing through our group especially since we, most of the time do not complete the tasks that are meant for us to do.  There are a lot of delays and worries that flashed right through us. But then, it was funny thinking that we were so worried about it while the others are like: "Yey! We're done." thingy.

Also, another pressure that pushed us was that for the past Cyberfair competition, that our school has joined, the category we are handling enabled them to win the international competition.  So it really is a big disaster once we submit a project not even worth competing for.

I have also experienced having wrong judgments. Honest to goodness, I didn't know how this project was gonna work. Especially at first we, in the group, don't know each other that much.  So we always try to confront them but there are always time contrast that a certain matter cannot be agreed on.  With that, I had a conclusion that they wouldn't be able to be that helpful or so. But as days went on, there are more and more experiences we have as a group and so I realized that they aren't bad at all. In fact, they are VERY surprisingly fun to be group mates.  And I am proud to be a part of this group.

There are even more experiences, feelings, joys and worries that I had and will be encountering. But one thing I am completely sure about, that this project not only taught me of html, css or javascript, not only did it develop creativity, competence, social involvement and time-management... Yet it also made me be moved...

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