Problems are left to solutions, and solutions are left to choices, and choices are left to me.

Choose. Take chances. Make dreams happen. And it's life.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

It's High School, Deal with It

 High School… Adolescence… Teenage Love… Those are probably all familiar to you. These are all interconnected to each other. Whether you agree with me or not, that wouldn’t change. High School is the best and worst part of a person’s life. And surely, everybody would go into this process. 
  Actually, I really don’t like this part of my life. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s just because of my own experience. Relationships aren’t in my vocabulary, really. But no matter what I do, I can’t just say that I haven’t been in one. Yes, I’m honest. Oh... Yes, I am.
  How about you? Do you have any idea about sexuality? Do you like the sense that you must be aware of it? In that age? I don’t think so you must. But you do, right? In our generation nowadays, its just right for a teenager, probably even an elementary student, to be aware of these things. Well, sexuality not only refers to the pleasure and infatuation one feels when he or she meets a person of the opposite sex. Sexuality is always inside us. It only differs in each person. And that’s what makes each one of us feel that burn inside us. 
 Teenage love is what everyone in high school experiences. That’s why high school is the best place for emo’s and can say that. Here, there, in front, at the back, upstairs, downstairs, seems like everywhere… you would even grew tired seeing those teenage lovers who seem to be so sure ‘bout themselves and like forever will hold them both. Well, yeah, it’s out of my business. I’m just saying… just saying.  And that's just my opinion...
 As what was said in the seminar, these relationships seem to start from common point and ends up mostly in just the same end point. Starting from “friends” and would either end up with “marriage” or “heartbreak”. Okay, so what leads to marriage or heartbreaks huh? Well, of course, it starts with a little friendship, and then comes infatuation, and slowly getting to love... and boom, there it goes. You could choose, marry or break-up. But marriage is still too early for you… too bad, your gonna end up with heart breaks...right? 
 Okay. So enough with those stuffs. Pregnancy immediately came to my mind. I’m kind of afraid of that. Especially seeing the video of giving birth during the seminar makes me really freak out! Wooh! I have seen a lot of women who gave birth to their tiny winy look alikes. And felt the love that surrounds them both. But maybe the thing about me being afraid is not really the fear but it is just the status of my self. That I still am not ready for those things. That I don’t want to experience that at this very early stage of my life. That moment isn’t yet mine to have. And that is influenced and affected by what happened to my sister… Do you want to know about it? I bet you won’t, or you will, or you won’t, or you might… no, I you wouldn’t. 
 Okay, I’ll just won’t. Probably, you are good in guessing. I’ll leave you with that. I can’t take the risk of sacrificing the name of my sister and her life just for this blog, you know. 
 The thing is: why do something that you know what consequences you can have? You must know when and where is the right time and place to do such an act... please... keep your zippers shut... I am sure that there is quite the exact moment it can be applied, and that moment is far, far in the future. Juts wait for it. 
 Anyways, the seminar made things clear for me. And that’s what matters most. I don’t remember much of the seminar discussions… I easily get bored. And in that case, boredom really threw me up. At least, most of it’s lessons came to my mind. I would really apply them.

Creative Commons License
It's High School, Deal with It by Monica Flores is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

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