Problems are left to solutions, and solutions are left to choices, and choices are left to me.

Choose. Take chances. Make dreams happen. And it's life.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Me Here

Hello dear visitor! Well, you might want to get to know me first.

Well, where do I start? I'm really not the typical kind of blogger, you know.  Neither am I a writer. So probably by now your wondering on how the heck did blogging came to me. Actually, talking is my greatest fear ever. I never wanted to talk in public. In class, I don't recite that well.

Probably, looking at me right now blogging, is the worst view you'll ever see. But you know, I'd like to experience this. It's a part of me that's kind of mysterious. I don't know why I like it, its just how I felt, I guess. 'Cause honestly speaking, I kinda like to break out of the shell of shyness and make through the world of brightness. I have ideas, and I just have too find a way to express it. And that's how I came to like 'Blogging'.

It's a good start for me to understand myself, to express myself to others, and to turn that fear into a talent. Through blogging, I would get the chance to understand myself so that others would understand me too. Through blogging I would have the chance to dig up those ideas stored deep inside me.  And through blogging, That fear would be changed into a talent that no one would ever thought, including me. I know blogging is a great thing, and that's the reason why I ever wanted to try it. I have never done blogging before, till now.

The world around us is revolving, changing, and developing. What my blogs would contain is about what revolves in the world, what changes are happening, and what developments do we have and will have. And not only that, of course, my blogs would have to revolve about who I am. It would also have to change, because practically, I mustn't stay on just one subject, that would be boring. It would also have to develop, because as what I said, I am just beginning, I know that when time comes, I'll be a much more better person-probably, a writer too.

I'll be honored if you'll be interested to read some of my blogs. And if you'll join me in my journey through blogging, I'll be much much more grateful to you.

This is just the start. There would be much much more.
Have a nice day! May God bless you! :)

Creative Commons License
Me Here by Monica Flores is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

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